Thursday, September 19, 2024
Growth Hack Bukalapak, Shopee, Gojek

Go-Jek, Bukalapak, Shopee: Growth Hack tricks by Giant Indonesian Startups

The advantage of growth hack is not only to keep your product sustainable but to attract consumers by decreasing cost of user acquisition and increasing consumer retention - Low Budget with High Impact. Some startups in Indonesia like the unicorns Gojek, Bukalapak, and Shopee practise growth hack method as well to grow their business.

Securitisation of mooncakes

Everyone is happy

Cinemas as Customer Acquisition Channel

Last weekend I ended up at a cinema with my friends. At that moment I had a realisation that almost every mall in Indonesia,...

Pinduoduo and its copycats

What can we learn from Chinese social ecommerce?

Conversion centered marketing for high end ecommerce stores

So, we agree by now on data driven marketing, and in 2018 most marketers are aware of ROAS and CAC. Everyone is putting pixels...

Advertising on Facebook and Google is like breathing, isn’t it?

Any other options than turning into a “street vendor”?

An ad-exchange for micro influencers?

An ad-exchange for micro influencers? How to track the ROI of marketing spend with these entrepreneurs. By now we all know that effective marketing is a...

Effective Marketing for small businesses

Startups and small businesses have strive to do marketing with limited resources. Hence effective marketing is essential. So what is effective marketing for a small...

Machine Learning in Digital Advertising: the good, the bad and the...

A few days ago Google announced that it’s putting machine learning into the hands of every advertiser. So, what does this mean for advertisers? First, let’s...

Consumers are tired of ecommerce promotions?

Where have the consumer traffic for major shopping festivals gone to? ecommerce promotion festivals in China have been key events for the online retailers’ traffic...

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