Home Report Transforming Digital Transformation: Why innovation should be composable, not painful

[New report] Transforming Digital Transformation: Why innovation should be composable, not painful


Digital transformation is daunting – anyone who has been through a digital transformation project will know this.

Complexities, risks, (hidden) costs, resource constraints, knowledge and expertise (gap), legacy systems, and the need for business continuity – to name a few top challenges. Besides, how to measure success and ROI?

It does not have to be so challenging, with the right paradigms, methodologies, and technological capabilities. Chief amongst them is composable innovation, and the ways to achieve it.

Momentum Works and Sirius Technologies are launching a joint report, Transforming Digital Transformation, where we navigate:

  • Why digital transformation is complex, expensive, and prone to failure
  • How can we transform transformation
  • Real-world case studies showcasing composable solutions

Here are some highlights from the report:

  • Mismatch between expectations and transformation capabilities leads to spaghetti
  • 5 trends of transforming digital transformation
  • Legacy systems are here to stay, despite many calls to replace them
  • Current way of looking at cost 
  • Composable innovation in action: a Webank case study

We hope these will give you some ideas about how to make your transformation journey easier – and we are here to help.

Reach out to us at hello@mworks.asia if you would like customised insights, advisory, or Momentum Academy programmes for your leadership.