Home Just for fun The best gaming chair in China is ….

The best gaming chair in China is ….


A post that recent went viral in China:

“Some young dude in my team today did something extraordinary. 

He wanted to buy a gaming chair and had been comparing different models since 6.18 (18 June, a major shopping festival in China). As a software engineer, he compared all the metrics, including material, craftsmanship, functions, brand, warranty etc. In a way, an overwhelming set of parameters. 

What surprised me was: today he came into the office with a… RMB3000 electric wheelchair.

According to him, this wheelchair beats all the gaming chairs in all the metrics: it is comfortable, mobile (on electric motor), and can be extended to become a bed (which really looks like a stretcher). It also has a tray table for food, and comes with an electric massage sitting pad.

All in all, it is very good value for money. With a long warranty and easy maintenance, it could last for years. 

The whole department came to visit him to see the new gadget this afternoon. He even gave the receptionist girl a joyride on the wheelchair… 

Actually, the wheelchair is quite comfortable… I am really worried that after half a year, our department will be full of employees on wheelchairs …”

Now we do not know whether this is genuine or a product placement (which we think is unlikely), but our friends quickly pointed out the likely candidate for this “best gaming chair”, from Yuwell):

A Wall E moment will eventually come true?