Home Region Southeast Asia Happy Lunar New Year/Chúc mừng xuân mới

Happy Lunar New Year/Chúc mừng xuân mới


We have prepared a short video to wish all our Chinese/Vietnamese readers and partners a happy and prosperous Year of the Dog/Tuất:

As we mentioned earlier, we love sharing our thoughts while building ventures, consulting for expanding internet companies and making direct investments.

We have a small team, and we write amongst ourselves – and to our (own) surprise, we have written hundreds of articles on The Low Down in the Year of the Rooster, which ends today.

And also to our pleasant surprise, we have received a lot of encouraging words from our readers – many of you influential figures in tech and VC world.

We hope to be at least as (if not more) prolific in the incoming year of the Dog. And we also hope to be more interactive, by sharing some perspectives by our friends. Watch this space – and write to us hello@mworks.asia if you want to share anything.

Happy Lunar New Year/Chúc mừng xuân mới!