Home Genre Grapevine How to explain how tech companies do marketing to my traditional industry...

How to explain how tech companies do marketing to my traditional industry boss?!


An interesting discussion on Momentum Works’s WeChat community yesterday:

  • A: Dear all, who knows the most effective way of attracting customers to a WeChat mini-programme? (e.g. an app by a brand/merchant, but hosted on wechat)
  • B: Discount
  • C: Discount
  • B: Just check how Pinduoduo does it. Here is my invite code.
  • A: Aside from discounting, any other most effective methods?
  • D: Offering your product/samples for free!
  • E: Turn whatever you pay for marketing costs into rebates for actual target customers
  • A: I thought so too, but how to explain to my foreign boss who is from a traditional industry
  • E: How traditional is it? Agriculture? Manufacturing?
  • A: Traditional retail, which is probably dying
  • D: I think you should stop wasting your time, and start looking forward to reincarnation