Previously, we released a compilation on Alibaba, which can be accessed here: This week, our compilation focuses on movements in the fintech industry.

Having substantial experience in the fintech sector, Momentum Works has been writing about the industry since The Low Down first started. Our network has, in the past, tracked the development of fintech in various emerging markets. Our most recent analysis was on Indonesia, and the key factors needed to build a comprehensive fintech ecosystem in the region. We discuss the role of regulators, infrastructure, and capital markets, assessing the opportunity in the country for growth. 

Besides emerging markets, we also look at movements in established ones, namely China. On Insuretech, we’ve looked at the leading company Shuidi, breaking down their business model, and assessing the viability of their strategies. In the payments sector, giants Alipay and WeChat pay are expanding out of China and into Southeast Asia – factors that businesses often need to successfully scale their operations are discussed in the context of these two cases. 

Payments services in rural areas of China 

Other than their scaling efforts, WeChat and Alipay have also embedded themselves more deeply into their local market, becoming increasingly pervasive . Their services are found in even rural areas where infrastructure for fintech services would not be expected. The question is, would they be able to replicate this success when expanding into Southeast Asia?

Preview of compilation

Download the compilation of articles here: to get a full rundown of our coverage on the fintech sector.