TikTok Shop’s global GMV reached about US$32.6 billion, according to numbers tabulated by video commerce data analytics firm Tabcut.com. The US became the biggest market for TikTok Shop, achieving about US$9 billion in GMV.

Indonesia is now the 2nd biggest, followed by Thailand which is not too far behind. Do note that the GMV numbers for Southeast Asia might differ from Momentum Works’s upcoming Ecommerce in Southeast Asia 2025 report, because of statistical definition and scope. 

Beauty and personal care remains the largest category throughout all the TikTok Shop markets. In Indonesia, 9 of the 10 top shops and 8 out of 10 top grossing products are from the beauty and personal care category. In the US, beauty KOLs produced 14 out of the 20 top grossing live sessions. 

Interestingly, and perhaps not unexpectedly, while the average item transaction price (US$19.64) in the US is almost 4 times that of Indonesia (US$4.98) and Malaysia (US$4.64), it is slightly lower than Singapore (US$19.77). 

Momentum Works Insights team is currently working with Tabcut’s data team to bring more insights on TikTok Shop trends to the market, in an upcoming report that will detail trends on categories, sellers, shops, influencers and consumers of TikTok Shop. Please stay tuned!

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