Microsoft Bing blocked in China? Everyone has missed this

What does Baidu have to do with this?

Why escooter startups will not survive in Southeast Asia

Why escooter startups will not survive in Southeast Asia Barely a few months ago, escooters were the talk in town. Buoyed by the rapid...

Pinduoduo lost US$3 billion over night to scam?

"Wool party" scored another win?

Zuji’s demise is unsurprising

Whether the intention is to sell the business or to earn money, customer acquisition and retention is very important. On the acquisition side, Expedia...

Is Luckin a legit challenger of Starbucks in China?

Maybe it is more than that

Ofo dismisses its international department

The bike sharing company tries very, very hard to survive.

Good corporate vs bad corporate

Ever heard someone comment "You're too corporate" or "This place is too corporate". Do you consider yourself to be in one of these places? What...

Build a fabulous 2019 with Momentum Works

Let’s work together

Skype co-founder’s Oriente rides the Fintech wave with top conglomerates

On November 28 2018, Oriente, a fintech company based in Hong Kong, announced that it received an initial funding of $105M. The operative word...

Do you prefer DBS PayLah! or Singtel Dash

For most users in Singapore, the answer seems obvious

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