Low Level Barbarians, co-hosted by Alex Le, Dave Chang, Jianggan Li and Andrew Gananantham, is a show that covers discussion and debate around trending topics from Asia on Asia. Topics can range widely from technology, startups, VC, investing, society, economics, and more. You can view summaries of Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6 and Episode 7.

In this last episode for 2021, we share our perspectives (and sometimes debate) on three major topics:

  1. The recent Grab IPO and its performance on Wall Street – why did Grab’s stock price fall and what does it mean?
  2. The idea of shallow unicorns from raising too much money and the effects of firing employees en masse
  3. The metaverse and its future potential

Tune in to find out. Links below: