2021 has been an interesting year for many – we’re still battling the pandemic, entrepreneurs launched into space (arguably) and we’re constantly adjusting to new normals. 

At Momentum Works, we’ve been doing what we do best – building things. Over the past year we’ve been churning out more insights than ever before (shoutout to Vion, Nurina and team) and we’ve been helping individuals and organisations connect more dots. 

We’ve had the great opportunity to run a number of workshops and immersion programmes with our corporate clients and it has been very well received. With that, we wanted to take a step further to disrupt the education space by combining our strength in insights and solid experience on innovation and disruption.

Introducing Momentum Academy


1. Why Momentum Academy? 

We find that the problem that most people face isn’t connecting the dots together, rather it is the number of dots they have. 

Momentum Academy aims to empower innovators and expand their horizons by being informed, enabled and connected. We think corporate learning should be dynamic and constantly evolving with the world – but also fun and engaging. 


2. How do we tackle innovation & disruption? 

We leverage on 3 fundamental pillars – insights, community and experience, the same pillars that Momentum Works is built on. 

We pack fresh insights, venture building experience and our community of practitioners into our programmes – so people take back real experiences that they can apply in their workplace. 


3. What we do 

We have a suite of programmes from talks to simulations that help you navigate through innovative and disruptive industries, but also distilled to meet your organisation’s needs.

From SPACs to sustainability, you can check out some of our past programmes here


4. Who runs Momentum Academy?

Momentum Academy is an innovative venture under the Momentum Works umbrella, and is run by entrepreneurs and innovators with experience in more than 15 countries and 4 continents. We are always looking out for the next breakthrough in new industries, and meaningful experiences for our community. 

If you’re interested to find out more about the Academy – check out our spanking new website (mobile version still in development), or get our intro deck by reaching out to me at [email protected] (we can go for coffee if you’re in SG).