Even though consulting now constitutes the bulk of the revenue of Momentum Works, we are still reluctant to call ourselves consultants.

Well, it is simply because we are not, really. The main focus of Momentum Works is still to build (ventures) – and we are having fun doing it.

We prefer to call ourselves practitioners – and our philosophy is, even when we are investing, we still make sure that we are in the meantime building. Only by being a practitioner, you know what is going on, and

I guess that’s the reason why people, from mature companies to investors to entrepreneurs, engage us for consulting projects.

Career advice for (aspiring) consultants

After the New Year (especially after the Lunar New Year), things in this part of the world are picking up. A few friends, career consultants, are asking us about places to move.

Well, not so much we can give – because different people have different aspirations in life. The only point, which we think is important here, is making sure that you are in a growing environment – such that you grow with it.

There are many places/companies/industries that are glamorous but not really growing – be careful with these. You do not want to see your peers, many of whom less capable and smart than you, overtake you and stay miles ahead of you.

If you are about to graduate from a business school (and thus be wooed by consulting companies), watch the following brilliant (musical) sketch at INSEAD’s 2012 Cabaret:

Thanks for reading The Low Down (TLD), the blog by the team at Momentum Works. Got a different perspective or have a burning opinion to share? Let us know at [email protected].


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Jianggan Li is the Founder & CEO of Momentum Works. Prior to founding Momentum Works, he co-founded Easy Taxi in Asia, and served as Managing Director of Foodpanda. The two years running Rocket Internet companies has given him a lifetime experience on supersonic implementation, and good camaraderie with entrepreneurs across the developing world. He holds a MBA from INSEAD (GMAT 770) and a degree in Computer Engineering from Nanyang Technological University. Unfortunately he never wrote a single line of code professionally - but in his first job he was in media, travelling extensively across Asia & Europe, speaking with Ministers & (occasionally) Prime Ministers. Apart from English and his native Mandarin, he is also fluent in French and conversational in Cantonese & Spanish. He tried to learn Latin (for three years) and Sanskrit (for six months) as well. In his (scarce) free time, he reads, travels, hikes and dives. Pyongyang, Tehran & Chisinau are among the interesting cities he has been to.