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E79 – The Impulso Podcast – What makes a top KOL, and other learnings
What makes a top live commerce host or KOL (Key Opinion Leader)? Is it their appearance, emotional intelligence, talent, or training? Or are these...
E77 – The Impulso Podcast – Why is live commerce in Southeast Asia so...
In the latest episode of the Impulso podcast, we are joined by special guest Shawn Teow (who makes his podcast debut), diving deep into...
A good quarter, is Shopee out of the woods yet?
Yesterday (14 May) evening Asia time, Shopee’s parent SEA Group released its Q1 2024 results. It is a good set of results: digital entertainment...
E75 – The Impulso Podcast – Is MCN a good business model?
From leveraging top Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) like Luo Yonghao at BeFriends, to signing up celebrities at YoWant, MCNs are employing various strategies to...
Why you should join MW Live Commerce immersion to Hangzhou
In preparation for Momentum Works Immersion: Live Commerce (Hangzhou) from 28 to 30 May 2024, our team is currently in Hangzhou connecting with key...
Sharing: how did Befriends MCN achieve US$4.8b sales
Befriends (交个朋友), one of the largest live commerce MCNs in China, has seen its cumulative sales through its live channel surpasse CNY 35 billion...
E73 – The Impulso Podcast – The 2nd phase of live commerce & the...
“In China’s online business, one or two years is not a very long time… it changes so fast.” - - Connor Li shares insights...
What’s behind the rise of Chinese e-commerce platform Temu in the US?
This commentary first appeared on ChannelNewsAsia (CNA). Republished here with permission. You can access the other commentaries from Jianggan Li on CNA as well.
E70 – The Impulso Podcast – Succession – successful tech founders’ dilemma
From Alibaba to Meta, and now Meituan, it seems like founders and co-founders can’t retire.
Wang Huiwen's recent return to Meituan, albeit as a part-time...
Does Shopee have a moat?
Sea Group’s share price swung violently after 2024 Q4 and FY results were released yesterday - going up 13.6%, before nosediving 14.3% into the...