Interacting with Chinese entrepreneurs joining AWS Bootcamp in Jakarta

They are more prepared than many others I have met before.

Many profitable startup models do not need the VC, for now

Who made the most money during the P2P craze in Indonesia, for example?

Why Y Combinator In 2019-2020: The Accelerator’s Latest Startups Provide An...

This article is written by Jonathan Moed, founder of Startup Universal and was originally published on Forbes. Reproduced with the author’s permission here. Y Combinator (YC), the world-renowned startup accelerator...

Join Momentum Works at the 6th Wuzhen Summit (19-22 Oct)

One place where you can see all the innovation in China (and across the world) - Join us at the 6th World Internet Conference,...
Titans entering e-commerce enabling space - How are they looking up?

Titans entering e-commerce enabling space – How are they looking up?

Increasingly crowded space Recently, we sat down with a friend who operates in the e-commerce enabling space, where he briefly summarized his thoughts as follows:...

Xiaomi – now a Fortune 500 company

It has come a long way, and still a long journey ahead.

What are the tech opportunities in India?

Financial services on UPI, mobility, next-gen ecommerce, agent/broker networks and UGC.

It’s been a year since Xiaomi’s IPO

Share price has halved

OYO = ofo in China?

Localisation, especially in China, is not easy

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