Thoughts on Netflix’s recent woes

Will its no rules rules culture be resilience in testing times?
Netflix user numbers

It’s not just Netflix, customer acquisition costs are getting expensive for...

Why did Netflix's user numbers fall for the first time?
tech investment southeast asia

Were IPOs really profitable for investors in 2021?

We witnessed several startups raise funds very easily in 2021 along with quite a few high profile companies going public. There was a record...
what's going on at Grab

Quick Recap: Momentum Academy’s Off the Record: What’s up with Grab?

Momentum Academy’s second public event, Off the Record: What’s up with Grab? happened earlier this month and more than 400 people attended this virtual...
live commerce enablers

Quick Recap: Unveiling Live Commerce in Southeast Asia

Last Friday, in a fun poll during our ‘Unveiling Live Commerce in Southeast Asia’ event, we asked participants why was doing live commerce...

Is live commerce the next big thing in Southeast Asia?

Live commerce has grown exponentially in China since 2018 - at a CAGR of more than 146% - and top hosts/influencers are clocking in...
Grab super app

Super apps are here to stay

What is really a super app?
Grab strategy

Off the Record – What’s up with Grab? – Questions Answered

Momentum Academy's Off the Record: What's up with Grab? was a big success last Friday with close to 400 registrations. We discussed Grab’s strategy, why...

10 interesting facts about crypto (or web3) industry

From the days of bitcoin and ICO (initial coin offering), the crypto industry has evolved to be a diverse set of manifestations, and a...

The Southeast Asian infatuation over super apps

You must have heard the word “super app” by now. Whether you love it or hate it, I always feel this word is overused,...

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