Why Instagram is more popular than Facebook in Indonesia?

Among the young people - that is to say.

Facebook vs Instagram

Dive Deeper Instagram Versus Facebook

US$300m market value wiped out by the black hole?

While the first image of a black hole has generated so much sensation about scientific discovery in the world, it sparked a big storm...

Microsoft Bing blocked in China? Everyone has missed this

What does Baidu have to do with this?

Toutiao copies Snapchat to fight Tencent?

Building on the success of Tik Tok

Which are the most popular apps in China?

And how Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu and ByteDance are controlling everything

New version of WeChat copies “Story” of Snapchat & Instagram

And makes interesting tweaks to content discovery

Are Meituan and co responsible for China’s demographic crisis?

How Wu spends his day I have a friend who is 32 years old now. Let’s call him Wu. He is from Shanghai but works...

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