MW Shanghai Sharing – Southeast Asia E-commerce and Network
We found more affirmation towards the prospects (and potential) of Southeast Asian market.
3 things millennials look for when working for your startup
So, what are millennials looking for, and what are they expecting? Why are they often being regarded as "impatient"?
Islamic-related startups in Southeast Asia: a coming boom
From halal fashion to food, there is a mushrooming number of Islamic startups in Southeast Asia. Specifically, these Islamic-related startups in Southeast Asia are...
First mover curse (and other pitfalls) for fresh entrepreneurs
Coming from a team that has seen a lot of companies boom and bust - we will always be keen to hear the idea, but will also want to understand more about the management team, the business plan as well as the implementation plan.
Rise of cross-border C2C shopping
Availability of platforms such as Jetspree and Airfrov, has helped turn every passenger into a potential personal shopper.
Estonian E-Residency, a superior alternative for startup founders
Trying to escape high taxes, tight regulations or political instability?
How to keep the team lean and motivated when funding takes...
Shayak Mazumder, CEO of Eunimart, shares his personal experience. Eunimart is a cross-border ecommerce company that is specifically catered to sellers in India.
Don’t over-estimate the market of your SaaS product
Just less than a year ago, the market was abuzz with the crazy valuation of SaaS companies - such as Slack for example. Now...
Cash out your startup – how to improve your odds?
Despite markets being flooded with investments, exits in Southeast Asia have been few and far between. If you are a startup funder or founder,...