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Momentum Works & Huawei Cloud: how to approach regional business expansion in Southeast Asia?

On 18 April 2023, Momentum Academy was invited by Huawei Cloud to provide an immersive sharing on "Opportunities and growth potential in Southeast Asia"...

[Seeing the unseen] China is experiencing ‘revenge business travel’

More effort for lower marginal returns

Inside Temu: the fiery culture and a perpetual efficiency machine

This article was originally published in Chinese by Runze Dai of Leiphone, translated and republished with the author’s permission. You can also refer to...

[Seeing the unseen] Our thoughts on Alibaba’s major restructuring

All about how a large organisation embraces change

Difference between traditional and generative AI (Siri vs ChatGPT)

ChatGPT, the generative AI tool launched by OpenAI has accumulated more than 100m users within 2 months after its launch - faster than other...

[New report] The future, by ChatGPT

ChatGPT, a generative AI tool developed by OpenAI, has accumulated more than 100m users within 2 months after its launch - faster than the...

Wardah & Huaxizi: Benchmarking cosmetic brands in Southeast Asia and China

There has always been a lot of interest in the beauty sector across the world.  In Southeast Asia, beauty product is one of the key...

Our thoughts on Sea Group’s 2022 Q4 and FY results

Last night Asia time (7 March), Sea Group released their 2022 Q4 and Full Year results. Prior to the release, it seems the analyst...

[Seeing the unseen] Will generative AI make Chinese tech’s global expansion easier?

In September last year, we talked about the surge of Chinese investors, entrepreneurs and tech executives  descending into Singapore.  The question asked then by many...

China’s internet giants: The nuts and bolts of going global

Written by Prof. Guoli Chen from INSEAD and Jianggan Li from Momentum Works based on the book Seeing the Unseen: Behind Chinese Tech Giants’...

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