Thursday, February 27, 2025

The Silicon Valley once again stands at the crossroads of history

This article is written by a friend of Momentum Works who decided to go anonymous The wheel of history in 2020 ushered in a small...

How to stay sane and survive a toxic workplace

It’s completely obvious for everyone to be able to spot some signs of bullying and toxic environment, especially at work. The absence of appreciation,...

Edtech growing potentials in Indonesia

When discussing the education startup industry (edtech) in Indonesia, we cannot leave the origins of why edtech in Southeast Asia is growing rapidly. At...

Why did SEA employees sell their shares?

They see more problems, or do they?

China’s experience shows tech innovation never stops

We often hear this argument: “all the business models in tech have been exploited, there is nothing else to invest in in Southeast Asia”...

Working from home makes you MAD, what do you do then?

use your meeting time effectively

Pinduoduo founder just became richer than Jack Ma

Who is the richest person in China?

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