Aibiying: A globally local Airbnb?
People hated Airbnb's Chinese name when it was adopted
Many Western companies have found China to be a difficult market to crack, and home-sharing giant...
Go-Jek, Bukalapak, Shopee: Growth Hack tricks by Giant Indonesian Startups
The advantage of growth hack is not only to keep your product sustainable but to attract consumers by decreasing cost of user acquisition and increasing consumer retention - Low Budget with High Impact. Some startups in Indonesia like the unicorns Gojek, Bukalapak, and Shopee practise growth hack method as well to grow their business.
Where are we on empowerment and equality?
Companies have done A LOT to make it a level playing field for women and minorities in the workplace. There are policies to punish...
Consider micromanaging an underperforming colleague
I'm guessing that at some point in your career, you will come across an underperforming colleague. Then the management will need to take a...
Holy grail of effective HR practices
What do big, established organisations and startups have in common? Both are always looking to find the holy grail of effective HR practises.
Two sides of Singapore: innovation advantages and challenges
Singapore also welcomes start-ups as they represent new sciences, technologies, and products. Entrepreneurship and technological progress are important from the government's perspective.
The government has...
Alibaba’s Hema Supermarket – China’s new retail revolution
“New retail” has been a hot topic for a long time, but there were not many successful business cases in the market until Alibaba...
Tech ecosystem in Southeast Asia needs Tech in Asia
The region's tech ecosystem is still in its early days, there will be more and more demand for good content.
Amazon is on its way to disrupt payments and conquer the...
Since Amazon entered the European market, they have been seducing consumers with their fast delivery services.
In fact, Amazon Prime was one of the...
TripAdvisor: the next go-to social media platform?
TripAdvisor is very soon going to look a lot like your Facebook newsfeed, with a dash of Instagram here and a dollop of AirBnB...