Thursday, February 27, 2025

Differences between Chinese and Western brands: a personal experience 

This article is written by Richard Xu of Grand View Capital and originally published in Chinese on WeChat. Translated by Momentum Works team and republished here with the author’s permission.

Why JD had to apologise for a TikTok lending ad?

Quest for conversion and numbers

How to transform & enable your future leaders

A case study of a programme Momentum Works team recently conducted

Analysis: the flyering campaigns in China which achieved 23% conversion, consistently

My colleague’s post on “how to increase your flyer conversion by 2000%” briefly mentioned a case in China a few years ago, where Dianping...

How to increase your flyer conversion by 2000%

Some practical tips for a seemingly straightforward activity

Why should companies create brand communities?

The need of belonging is not something new. However, with the increasingly isolated world where we are today, how we connect to others have...

How to stay sane and survive a toxic workplace

It’s completely obvious for everyone to be able to spot some signs of bullying and toxic environment, especially at work. The absence of appreciation,...

What I learned at Tesla

Two years ago, in November 2018, I was about to finish my semester studying abroad in Montreal, Canada. One evening after school, I was...

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