Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Impossible trinity of B2B startups

Volume, Turnover and Margin

Chinese tech entrepreneurs should go to Africa?

A powerful figure went all-in Africa.

“What’s your problem?”

Robin Li, founder of Baidu, is soaked with water

Former Meituan COO shares how to build a good sales team

And issues of strategy & talent in general

B.d.T. Ibu Ani Yudhoyono

A remarkable lady

Meet the most unfortunate entrepreneur of China

One does not have to explain his bold life and the end of an era

Amazon takes over

Rogue traders are luckier than entrepreneurs

Be more empathetic for Elon Musk & Elizabeth Holmes

Where are we on empowerment and equality?

Companies have done A LOT to make it a level playing field for women and minorities in the workplace. There are policies to punish...

Has social media hit peak innovation?

A few days ago, we wrote about Facebook going from Social to E-commerce with its MarketPlace. Eager to explore other ways to monetize or grow...

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