Experiencing JD’s first unmanned store in Indonesia

A glimpse of the future of offline shopping

Cryptocurrencies, ICO and VCs- how to react?

Recently I came across an article by Jeff Lin, Principal of iGlobe Partners, on Wechat and was blown away by his the depth of...

Aerial view of shared bicycle graveyards in China

Shocking, very shocking

Market recovery? – Crypto Review Part 7

Bitcoin has touched the bottom of US$5800, and rebounded to US$8300 - a gain of 30%!

Gaming the right way? Tencent’s overseas investment strategy

We had previously written about the fight between tech giants in the Southeast Asia region and commented on each party’s cross-border investment strategies, and...

The deep tech superstition

Deep tech startups always excite investors and governments alike - they usually have something cool that nobody really understands, but is really cool. Theoretically,...

There is no real AI company in this world

Artificial intelligence (AI) is still receiving a tonne of attention as it is believed to be the future, with some even considering it as...

Peak ICO? – Crypto Review Part 6

As it is, the market is seeing somewhere close to 400 ICOs taking place (so far) this year alone. Hundreds more are in the pipeline.

Baidu shakes further, which is good news for AI startups

When Lu Qi, a well respected senior Microsoft executive, became the COO of Baidu, many expected big changes. A few highlighted that with Lu...

My friends bought crypto – should i?

With open calls for bitcoin to hit US$100,000 in 2018, are you perhaps now considering investing in crypto more seriously?

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