After share buyback, will Yalla become the Wechat of the Middle...
Those who are interested in the tech industry in the Middle East should be familiar with the publicly listed Yalla Group.
While it is the...
Delivery robots steer into Beijing street: No, they aren’t replacing delivery...
As the month of May drew to a close, some residents in Beijing (yet again) awoke to the view of delivery robots inching their...
Four reasons to look out for blockchain start-ups from Singapore
With the value of Bitcoin fluctuating wildly in the past few months, the attention surrounding cryptocurrency – and blockchain technology in general – is...
Wabi-sabi, Metaverse & Future
This article is written by Richer See on Substack, republished in TLD with the author's permission.
Recently, I have discussed the different developments of artificial...
The opportunity for merchant commercial IoT in Southeast Asia
The article is contributed by Hu Aimin, currently the founder and CEO of iMin Technology.
The development trend of the global catering industry
People who...
What does a QR code made of drones in Shanghai skyline...
Last week, a friend in China shared this photo. It's a scannable QR made of drones in the Shanghai skyline. As a friend puts...
Chinese AI unicorns – those rushing for IPO are the problematic...
More than 15 IPOs halted in a matter of weeks