Why Mobility-as-a-Service doesn’t work in Southeast Asia

Infrastructure and market conditions are very different from (northern) Europe.

Singapore bans shared e-scooters?

Another MW prediction coming true

What did Meituan do to MoBike

The colour is the most ironic change

When BAT becomes ATM

Just when you think the game is over, the market always surprises you. 

Chinese VCs find it hard to invest in Indonesia?

Fewer Chinese founders, expensive deals and unfamiliar sectors - these problems will disappear once you know the market more
Titans entering e-commerce enabling space - How are they looking up?

Titans entering e-commerce enabling space – How are they looking up?

Increasingly crowded space Recently, we sat down with a friend who operates in the e-commerce enabling space, where he briefly summarized his thoughts as follows:...

Should Thailand legalise ride-hailing?

Thailand is the last major country in Southeast Asia where ride-hailing remains illegal, and that might change very soon. The optimism amongst the ride-hailing players...

Majority of 2nd batch Grab Ventures Velocity startups Indonesian

Exciting time to build startups in Indonesia

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