Is Luckin a legit challenger of Starbucks in China?

Maybe it is more than that

Good corporate vs bad corporate

Ever heard someone comment "You're too corporate" or "This place is too corporate". Do you consider yourself to be in one of these places? What...

Build a fabulous 2019 with Momentum Works

Let’s work together

How to deal with dumb people

Dumb people can be split into two categories. Those who realise it and those who do not. Yes, the second type of people do...

Investors invest to make money, not to feed your passion

Most of us don’t have millions to invest but can set aside a portion of our income to do so. The purpose of doing...

Future Investment Initiative 2018: What is the future of Saudi Arabia

When writing the article, I was at the legendary Ritz-Carlton, Riyadh. Ritz-Carlton is like an isolated island, without any tall buildings around. But the hotel...

OYO on the Tibetan plateau

And why is it attractive to hotel owners

Aibiying: A globally local Airbnb?

People hated Airbnb's Chinese name when it was adopted Many Western companies have found China to be a difficult market to crack, and home-sharing giant...

Consider micromanaging an underperforming colleague

I'm guessing that at some point in your career, you will come across an underperforming colleague. Then the management will need to take a...

Tech ecosystem in Southeast Asia needs Tech in Asia

The region's tech ecosystem is still in its early days, there will be more and more demand for good content.

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