Is SHEIN’s success replicable? Off the Record: with Momentum Works and...

How did SHEIN thrive in the competitive crossborder ecommerce space? Can the SHEIN playbook be replicated? Read the key takeaways from “Off the Record: Behind SHEIN’s Success”

E15 Low Level Barbarians: Updates(Early Stage Investing, Profitable Optionality, Personal Struggles),...

After a long hiatus, the Low Level Barbarians are back with their interesting perspectives on all the trending topics in the tech ecosystem. Low Level...

[Press Release] Southeast Asia spends US$3.66 billion a year on bubble...

Bubble tea industry in Indonesia is the biggest in Southeast Asia with an annual turnover of $1.6 billion Thailand has the highest bubble...
bubble tea market

[New Report] The US$3.66 billion bubble tea market of Southeast Asia

Southeast Asia currently spends US$3.66 billion a year on bubble tea and similar ‘new tea’ drinks, according to a new study jointly conducted by...

Is Shopee really in decline?

Some thoughts on a Pingwest article

[New Report] Is there a future for Ethereum?

Ethereum, created by Vitalik Buterin at the age of 19, has been the main blockchain for hosting applications and executing smart contracts. Ether (ETH),...

Why is SHEIN successful?

There has been so much interest around SHEIN lately, especially with media reports stating that SHEIN might be going public. Back in 2017/2018, a...

How Klarna spins the story on their down round is a...

Recently, Sweden-based BuyNowPayLater pioneer Klarna announced a new funding round of $800 million. What caught the attention of many was the drastic reduction of...

Shopee parent acquires insurance companies in Indonesia & the Philippines

“Newly minted digital insurance company”

After huge pandemic gains, why are tech companies laying off workers?

This commentary first appeared CNA and was written by Yorlin Ng. Republished with permission. You can access the other commentaries from Yorlin Ng on...

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