Why did Didi publish its unit economics

To its users, not to its investors

Blockchain for food safety, will it work?

Is blockchain and its associated ICOs just a fad? Many have made claims that blockchain will revolutionise things and make the world a better...

Halal is not about religion, but lifestyle

Partnering with HalalNode, Halal Lifestyle Indonesia aims to promote sustainable Halal lifestyle in food, apparel and fashion. As a part of HalalNode's community, Halal...

“I’m using Zoom, you should too”

The value of a good product

MIHAS 2019 Learnings & Insights

A growing Halal market The scale of MIHAS highlighted the growth of the global Halal industry. The growing and increasingly affluent Muslim population have made...

Why ecommerce into Indonesia always clears customs in Jakarta

Jakarta’s Soekarno-Hatta International airport is the preferred entry port for ecommerce. Why? In the scenario where majority of the parcels bound for Indonesia are for...

Things you should know about GMV

For those unaware, GMV refers to gross merchandise value and it is typically used by e-commerce companies for valuation. The calculation for GMV is...

Why tech firms are moving to Singapore

Sharing from a Singapore-based venture capitalist

Why escooter startups will not survive in Southeast Asia

Why escooter startups will not survive in Southeast Asia Barely a few months ago, escooters were the talk in town. Buoyed by the rapid...

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