Lazada president is leaving, three months after denying she was leaving

Who will take care of LazMall? And, why LazMall in the first place?

My key takeaways from 7-Eleven legend’s retail bible

Product Market Fit is the core

Meituan is launching a new user interface for its app?

Biggest revamp sine 2019.

Momentum Works is hiring Super Interns for this summer

  As the projects are picking up pace, we are hiring super interns for May to August (and beyond). While we would love to have candidates...

Reflection from Genki Forest founder: Choices that determine our path to...

  Chinese beverage firm, Genki Forest (元气森林 Yuanqi Senlin ) was founded in 2016. This year, it has become one of the top beverage brand...

A brand in Indonesia tried newsjacking, and it went very wrong

Recently, the Indonesian Twitter feed was shaken by a user (@duniadian) uploading a complaint letter he got from a local brand called Eiger. The...

Differences between Chinese and Western brands: a personal experience 

This article is written by Richard Xu of Grand View Capital and originally published in Chinese on WeChat. Translated by Momentum Works team and republished here with the author’s permission.

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