Ad terminals in taxis are a thing of the past

Just having a digital screen does not mean you are offering digital advertising.

Startups are all about mitigating risks, not taking them

What is risk? Most would define it as the probability that anything other than the desired outcome would occur. Risk revolves around 2 factors; probability...

Is Singapore the right place for AI startups

if you are to develop an AI startup in Singapore, you would really need to analyse carefully about a number of factors, and choose your battle wisely.

Half of Your Favourite Video Apps are MADE IN CHINA

2017 was a great year for short video apps in China. Domestic competition was fierce, and it quickly became a Red Ocean for investors...

How financial service providers can win over the 600-million strong SEA...

With a young population of 600 million people who love to spend, Southeast Asia has become a magnet for financial services companies, especially major...

First mover curse (and other pitfalls) for fresh entrepreneurs

Coming from a team that has seen a lot of companies boom and bust - we will always be keen to hear the idea, but will also want to understand more about the management team, the business plan as well as the implementation plan.

Southeast Asians and Chinese are different, good or bad?

While there are similarities in culture and food - these modern day Chinese are seen as aggressive, ruthless and mostly ignorant.

Vietnam’s unique supply chain advantage in ecommerce

During my last few trips back to Vietnam, the optimism of people there has been phenomenal. Finally Vietnam is not only a box to...

iflix now treading deep waters

Becoming the Netflix of a smaller market is not as easy as it might sound

Amazon has this key advantage over Alibaba (for now)

Amazon, as a company, is much more international in terms of working language, talent and culture.

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