Low Level Barbarians, co-hosted by Alex Le, Dave Chang, Jianggan Li and Andrew Gananantham, is a show that covers discussion and debate around trending topics from Asia on Asia. Topics can range widely from technology, startups, VC, investing, society, economics, and more. You can view summaries of Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 9, Episode 10, Special EpisodeEpisode 11, Episode 12Special Episode, Master Debater’s Corner, Episode 13, Episode 14, Episode 15, Episode 16, Episode 17, Episode 18, Episode 19, and Episode 20.

In this episode, Alex speaks to crypto researcher, Don Phan about the FTX doom and gloom, which seems never ending and other topics such as:

  • The price action around bitcoin and Ethereum and how it could possibly signal that fallout and contagion seem contained for now
  • Realistically, we are all waiting to see what happens.
  • What are the results of the possible contagion?
  • Where exactly does the crypto frontier regulation need to be?

The most interesting discussions happen around how ICO’s still hold the promise of the future, and how to think about, build, or invest in the GameFi space.

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