Low Level Barbarians, co-hosted by Alex Le, Dave Chang, Jianggan Li and Andrew Gananantham, is a show that covers discussion and debate around trending topics from Asia on Asia. Topics can range widely from technology, startups, VC, investing, society, economics, and more. You can view summaries of Episode 1, Episode 2, Episode 3, Episode 4, Episode 5, Episode 6, Episode 7 and Episode 8.
In this first episode of 2022, we discuss (and sometimes debate) four major topics:
- What lies ahead for the Low Level Barbarians? Jianggan, Alex, Dave, and Andrew discuss what they are planning for the new year personally and professionally
- Predictions for 2022 and their outlook for the new year
- Remote work and the macroeconomic environment
- Changes to the investment industry
Tune in to find out! Links below:
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