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Is Yunji a pyramid-marketing company?

What is its S2B2C model?

Amazon’s planned, controlled and well-executed demise in China

This is all expected, for clear reasons

Jack Ma on 996 and Chinese tech companies’ over time culture

Much of the debate is missing the point

How a leading Chinese P2P ventures overseas

The multiple attempts by Finup

Meet the most unfortunate entrepreneur of China

One does not have to explain his bold life

Momentum Works is hiring!

If you have been following TLD, you would know that Momentum Works is scaling in a number of areas in 2019 after building a strong...

Halal B2B ecommerce: an uncontested blue ocean

As a consumer of halal goods, a constant observation is that it is often challenging to find products that meet my expectation while travelling...

SEA unicorns have to go offline in 2019

Southeast Asia’s startup and venture capital scene has been burgeoning for the past decade. And the growth sped up to the fast lane over the...

Which are the most popular apps in China?

And how Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu and ByteDance are controlling everything

Momentum Works’ predictions for 2019 – Southeast Asia

  New targets for 2019 are said to include the Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar and Cambodia. However, expanding into new markets won’t be easy. We believe that...

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