Mobile payment in Southeast Asia – overview and trends – Part...

Who owns the future? The governments or the internet giants (or someone else)? In the first two parts of this analysis, we discussed why we...

Mobile payment in Southeast Asia – overview and trends – Part...

Plausible and implausible use cases for payment adoption in Southeast Asia In Part 1, we discussed why we couldn’t exactly replicate Alipay and Wechat in...

Mobile payment in Southeast Asia – overview and trends – Part...

Can someone replicate the success of Wechat Pay or Alipay? Our Chinese entrepreneur friends believe that the low penetration of banking services in South...

Decision making in a startup: give up some to gain more

Most startups a have limited runway, constantly running against time, market, and competition. It is imperative to ensure that the right person calls the...

Clash of the titans in Thailand’s ecommerce scene

  Last year, Thailand witnessed the entry and subsequent overhype of 11street – a company owned and invested by South Korean telecommunications giant SK Telecom....

Southeast Asia’s ecommerce logistic headache: finally resolved?

Whilst catching up with some friends running e-commerce businesses in the Philippines, we chatted about changes in the logistics - for a long time...

What is best ecommerce marketing channel in rural developing world?

I was having lunch with some friends in Dubai the other day, and one of the friends ran an e-commerce platform across a few...

Alibaba leads US$1.1 billion investment in Tokopedia

This would be a major setback for and Tencent for their effort to build a foothold in Indonesia, the fourth most populous country...

The real story behind the Didi-Uber merger in China

When news broke out that Didi is merging with Uber in China, many believe this is another case study of an ambitious foreign internet...

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