Monday, May 6, 2024

What is it like to be a seller on Shopee, Lazada,...

Previously, Momentum Works introduced e-commerce in Southeast Asia from the macro perspective such as infrastructure and consumer habits. But, how do the sellers, an...

Pinduoduo lost US$3 billion over night to scam?

"Wool party" scored another win?

Profits still elusive for ecommerce in India

India is probably the most heavily invested market for ecommerce, with players from global giants to Chinese cross border sites trying to maximise their...

Toutiao copies Snapchat to fight Tencent?

Building on the success of Tik Tok

Ant Financial puts US$40m in Akulaku

What happens then?

Which are the most popular apps in China?

And how Alibaba, Tencent, Baidu and ByteDance are controlling everything

New version of WeChat copies “Story” of Snapchat & Instagram

And makes interesting tweaks to content discovery

Skype co-founder’s Oriente rides the Fintech wave with top conglomerates

On November 28 2018, Oriente, a fintech company based in Hong Kong, announced that it received an initial funding of $105M. The operative word...

Do you prefer DBS PayLah! or Singtel Dash

For most users in Singapore, the answer seems obvious

Homegrown ecommerce in Middle East finally overtaken Chinese players?

Two words that strike excitement in every online retailer's mind- Black Friday. For religious and cultural reasons, Black Friday in the Middle East is...

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