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E8: Low Level Barbarians – Grab IPO, Shallow Unicorns, The Metaverse

Low Level Barbarians, co-hosted by Alex Le, Dave Chang, Jianggan Li and Andrew Gananantham, is a show that covers discussion and debate around trending topics from Asia on Asia....

Verdict of Momentum Works 2021 Predictions – Southesat Asia & Chuhai

A very happy and prosperous 2022! Come December, it has become customary to end the year with a review of our yearly predictions. Though we...

How to navigate Indonesia’s untapped long tail e-commerce

This article is written by Andy Li, founder of Kaya, an emerging Indonesian e-commerce marketplace that helps people sell long tail products online. Andy...

Why is this year’s 11.11 shopping fest so quiet in China?

Do not gate crash the party

E7: Low Level Barbarians – Shopee’s 200B Market Cap, Why Is Gaming Big In...

From Kuala Lumpur, Singapore, Granada (Spain) and Wisconsin!

Our thoughts on J&T acquisition of Best’s China Express business

A bigger whale in the purple ocean

Sea group raises $6.3 billion to expand Shopee globally?

The key is people and organisation, not money.
Shein Indonesia - Cover image

Why did SheIn exit Indonesia?

No, it’s not because of Zalora.

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