Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Why young Chinese are flocking to this fizzy drink

Not for being healthy

Why Microsoft needs to acquire TikTok

Recently TikTok has once again become the center of public attention, but Trump, who insisted on banning TikTok before, unexpectedly stated: "Regardless of whether Microsoft...

What do AI companies spend 80% of their time on?

Machines do not need explanation

Why is Carvana share price surging after it missed sales estimates?

Focusing on cost reduction, standards and value adding at each part of the value chain

Why should companies create brand communities?

The need of belonging is not something new. However, with the increasingly isolated world where we are today, how we connect to others have...

How to stay sane and survive a toxic workplace

It’s completely obvious for everyone to be able to spot some signs of bullying and toxic environment, especially at work. The absence of appreciation,...

Why did SEA employees sell their shares?

They see more problems, or do they?

China’s experience shows tech innovation never stops

We often hear this argument: “all the business models in tech have been exploited, there is nothing else to invest in in Southeast Asia”...

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