Low Level Barbarians Special: Russian Social Contract, Economics Nukes, Information Warfare...

Low Level Barbarians, co-hosted by Alex Le, Dave Chang, Jianggan Li and Andrew Gananantham, is a show that covers discussion and debate around trending topics from Asia on Asia....

Shopee is exiting France!

Less than four months after its entry in France, Shopee calls it quits. Why?

Shopee fait son entrée en France: concurrent sérieux face à Amazon,...

une analyse des concurrents de ecommerce en France

Shopee is entering France – are they facing strong competition there?

This article was originally published in Chinese on Momentum Works’s WeChat account, translated by Momentum Team into English.  Witnessing Shopee entering Poland a few weeks...

Shopee no tiene competidores serios en España

Francia será la próxima

“We have updated our privacy policy”

Have you received many emails about updating their privacy policies? The newly effective GDPR is impacting the way of data use, and it is changing the policy-making in Southeast Asia too.

MBA & Entrepreneurship part 1: INSEAD students are especially entrepreneurial?

Looking back, a combination of factors probably made this the case

An overview of Rocket Internet’s 2017 results

Worthy also to note that Rocket Internet’s price to earnings ratio is hovering around 1,800 to 1.

Estonian E-Residency, a superior alternative for startup founders

Trying to escape high taxes, tight regulations or political instability?

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