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UC Browser’s tough lesson from Alibaba

"Marrying into the purple" is a dream but not as sweet as for everyone, especially if you are not making the money. UC Browser is having a hard time beating its opponents - in the meantime - survives the pressure from its parent group Alibaba.

Why Baidu fell behind Alibaba & Tencent (and what can be done about it)

Those who are familiar with China’s internet scene would have heard the term “BAT” - which is the acronym for “Baidu, Alibaba & Tencent”,...

Why Jack Ma is missing from the dinner of Chinese internet billionaires

There is a photo circulating on the internet about some of the most prominent names of Chinese mobile internet industry gathering at the same...

What is best ecommerce marketing channel in rural developing world?

I was having lunch with some friends in Dubai the other day, and one of the friends ran an e-commerce platform across a few...

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