Saturday, May 11, 2024
Dingdong - Cover image

Chinese online grocer Dingdong’s bizarre stock debut

The price held up, but tougher days lie ahead for the business.

10 Facts about SPACs

10 things you should know about SPACs

What’s behind Grab’s reported SPAC listing

This article first appeared on CNA. Republished here with permission. You can access the other commentaries from Jianggan Li on CNA as well.  SINGAPORE: On Apr...

A Chinese power bank sharing startup files for Nasdaq IPO

Very profitable, though with a strong menace on the horizon

Why is Lalamove far ahead of Gogovan?

Both are Hong kong are unicorn startups that focus on B2B delivery. While Gogovan (GOGOX) was founded in the summer of 2013, Lalamove went...

Softbank and the goose laying golden eggs

Turbocharging the (golden) egg laying

Grab is going IPO, and they are serious about it

This article was originally published in Chinese on Momentum Works’ Wechat account, translated in English here by the team.  As the stock indices in the...

With COVID-19, disruptors are being disrupted, what’s next? – Join us...

Don’t miss out on fireside chats and newest updates on Investment in Southeast Asia with investment veterans and stakeholders. We had written about the impact...

Why is Luckin Coffee luckier than Ofo?

Interests are much more aligned in this case

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